Learn what conditions will not allow it to work, well documented everywhere, then learn how to drive with it, some are not coordinated enough500 Km on my new Passport and the stop start feature has stopped working. I disliked this feature intensely on the 2016 Pilot that I traded in, but on the Passport is was a lot smoother and less intrusive when it started the engine again. Tempted to let it go but I am concerned that it may be indicative of other problems. Any insights?
Same here. I wouldn't even know what to look for under the hood though.The Idle Stop hasn't worked in a couple days (after I did some non-invasive investigation under the hood for something else). It doesn't show any issues, but it just isn't kicking in when I stop. I tried the reset procedures that others have suggested (originally from Odyssey forums) to no avail. Any suggestions? Should I just wait it out and eventually it may kick on? It's not really an issue, but more bothering me that something isn't working already.