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Are these seats actually cooled or are they strictly ventilated?
curious on that too. not a fan of the seats and will look at putting real leather ones in for sure.
Are these seats actually cooled or are they strictly ventilated?
Oh - I had my ‘ventilated seat’ on yesterday, it was about 79* and there was no airflow in the seat!
The Idle Stop hasn't worked in a couple days (after I did some non-invasive investigation under the hood for something else). It doesn't show any issues, but it just isn't kicking in when I stop. I tried the reset procedures that others have suggested (originally from Odyssey forums) to no avail. Any suggestions? Should I just wait it out and eventually it may kick on? It's not really an issue, but more bothering me that something isn't working already.
Same here. I wouldn't even know what to look for under the hood though.

I am hoping with my last system update - Honda listened to us and removed the feature?
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