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61 - 80 of 409 Posts
I wished that service manuals were available for our vehicles. Factory service manuals are well worth the price and sacrifice of a tree. Alas, Honda has gone to an electronic subscription model.

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Is there a way to get them electronically? I haven't seen them, but do want them as I work on my own vehicles.
Spent 2 hours at the Dpt. of Licensing trying to transfer my Ham Radio plates to my Passport. I finally succeeded but it took three trips! Paid my state sales tax, put plates on, and updated the Garmin map.
Just got the Amazon delivery of my rear door tent widows. They seemed I little silly, but I thought I'd give them a shot and I actually think they're going to be handy! This way when I'm car camping, I can have a breeze without worrying about creepy crawlies or light rain. They fit the Passport really well.
61 - 80 of 409 Posts
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