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I know this was addressed in another thread, but I wanted to put one here where it is easier to find.

Not exactly sure what kind of tire warranty is in place through Honda & Continental.

So I went to America's Tire today and bought a Warranty for all four tires, now it is NOT a Mileage warranty, since the Touring tires do not have a stated Mileage warranty by Continental. The warranty is in effect until the tires get down to 2/32". It also includes, at no charge, tire repairs and rotations and a Road hazard warranty that will give me a replacement tire if it cannot be repaired.

All four tires: $135 total, since a new tire would cost $281, I thought it was a good deal...
I know this was addressed in another thread, but I wanted to put one here where it is easier to find.

Not exactly sure what kind of tire warranty is in place through Honda & Continental.

So I went to America's Tire today and bought a Warranty for all four tires, now it is NOT a Mileage warranty, since the Touring tires do not have a stated Mileage warranty by Continental. The warranty is in effect until the tires get down to 2/32". It also includes, at no charge, tire repairs and rotations and a Road hazard warranty that will give me a replacement tire if it cannot be repaired.

All four tires: $135 total, since a new tire would cost $281, I thought it was a good deal...
Wonder why charging me 36 per tire so 144 if it is a national chain. Scooter Dude got his for 100 some. Too bad can’t just call another state and face time tires because need to inspect.
I did the same guarantee certificate and got wheel locks thru America’s Tire and it was $207.

I was told there was no warranty thru continental tires and Honda. And looking at the reviews, others who tried getting continental to warranty almost brand new tires were denied.
Did you go to the America's Tire at Edinger & Springdale by chance?

(That's the one I went to...)
I did! Shaun and Shawn have been on my tires the whole time I had my 2006 CRV too!
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