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I know this was addressed in another thread, but I wanted to put one here where it is easier to find.

Not exactly sure what kind of tire warranty is in place through Honda & Continental.

So I went to America's Tire today and bought a Warranty for all four tires, now it is NOT a Mileage warranty, since the Touring tires do not have a stated Mileage warranty by Continental. The warranty is in effect until the tires get down to 2/32". It also includes, at no charge, tire repairs and rotations and a Road hazard warranty that will give me a replacement tire if it cannot be repaired.

All four tires: $135 total, since a new tire would cost $281, I thought it was a good deal...
Wonder why charging me 36 per tire so 144 if it is a national chain. Scooter Dude got his for 100 some. Too bad can’t just call another state and face time tires because need to inspect.
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