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I’m hoping I don’t have to resort to that. The ability to use Waze was one of the reasons I traded in my old Pilot. I’d be willing to cart around a cheap USB keyboard if that really works to reboot the system.

My PP has 5,500 miles on it, and almost always using CarPlay apps. This is the first problem I’ve had.

I’ll be interested in what the dealer tells me.
Curious what is your oil life at? Also some found wait until infotainment comes on before initiating Waze. Might help in future.

I’ll have to wait until I get the car back to check on oil life. Are you thinking the maintenance notification may be triggering this? Seems like it’s happening a lot to people that haven’t had their vehicles as long as I have.

I try to “swipe up” on Waze when I leave the car so it’s not running in the background, but rarely remember to do that. May need to be more diligent in doing so in the future.
Just picked my car up from the dealer. They included a copy of the manufacturer’s instructions to technicians. It’s a known software issue, and they believe it is related to CarPlay. Once they’ve fixed the problem a notice will go out to PP owners recommending we come to the dealer for a software update.

In the meantime, when it happens you can either disconnect the battery, or pull the “Radio/USB” fuse. The latter is easier; the fuse box is on the passenger side of the engine compartment. There is a diagram of the fuse box inside the lid (pay attention to the arrow signifying which way is front). It’s the 15 amp fuse closest to the driver.

I think I’m going to buy a cheap USB keyboard and keep it handy. With my luck this will happen again while I’m wearing a suit and it’s 105 outside.
After you turn off the engine, your display should turn off when you open the door. If it doesn’t, you have a problem.

Of course, you’ll probably know before then since none of the audio functions will work.
For some reason I had problems posting a photograph of the instructions the first time I tried. I will try again this weekend, but the next time I’ll take a photo of the fuse box (there are two) and the fuse. The instructions themselves don’t provide any detail over and above what I previously described. In fact, it really doesn’t do an adequate job pinpointing which fuse it is they suggest pulling (it’s the one labelled “Radio/USB”).
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