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Now that we have an engine that is GDI “Gas Direct Injection” deliver, we have to figure out how to keep out intake valves clean. I wonder did Honda do anything different to combat this problem? EVERY car manufacturer is going to GDI fuel delivery, every car manufacturer has the same issue.
I’m doing some research and I found this on YouTube.

I’m not going to bash Honda because this is a common issue with any GDI engine, even worse for the “turbo charged” GDI engines.
If you guys hear if Honda did anything different to there GDI engines, please post it.
I’m not exactly sure what Honda has done to combat the carbon buildup issues common with GDI, but I have heard almost zero complaints of any issues since they first started using it in the 9th Gen Accord i4's back in 2013. Six years of driving with millions of cars on the road would have surely shown any issues with carbon on the valves.

I know Toyota, and now Ford, are using port and direct injection on their engines.
There is some debate on whether the old “Italian tune-up” is beneficial or not. Most agree that for it to be effective, the higher revving should be sustained for a short period of time, a minute or more. Most of the time, people punch the throttle for a few seconds then lift off. Not sure that really does a whole lot.
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