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Has anyone had issues with the brake rotors needing to be resurfaced? At around 3,000 we started to notice a small shake when applying the brakes at 50-60mph. I took the Passport to Honda Friday at 5,000 miles and sure thing the rotors needed to be resurfaced. I find this odd as I had a crv with over 150,000 miles never had issues with rotors and my civic with 135,000 miles only needed them resurfaced once after over 60,000 miles. Honda did cover to have it fixed and I hope it’s not a common issue ahead.
It’s funny you mention the rotors. My driveway is off of a highway with 65mph. When I went to slow down to turn one day I thought there was a shake in the steering wheel and I thought that it can’t be the rotors with only 2,000 miles! After hearing your problem maybe I have the same. I’m going to keep eye on it and if I still notice it I’ll have the dealer look at it at the oil change. I’ll keep you posted.
Make sure your lug nuts are properly torqued every time you rotate wheels. Dealerships and tire shops never get it correct. Uneven torqued lug nuts is the main cause of warped rotors. I used to have this problem on every vehicle I owned before learning this and no longer do. Rotate, torque, drive around the block, recheck.
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