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21 - 40 of 61 Posts
I'm not sure if I've heard of a Certificate of Origin. Is that something the dealer gave you? I've never seen one.
The build date for my Deep Scarlet Pearl Touring is 12/18 and the SN is 1930.

Surprised to see a high SN and early mfg date.
I know, it does sound rather suggestive, but that is their name:
Did you get this clear bra done by Elite? If so, which coverage option did you get and any thoughts?

They are just up the hill from me in HB and seems like a great concept. However, never heard anything about it. My CRV has many rock chips from it's 7 years in Vegas...wish I would have known about this.
Hopefully this month. I ordered a red one earlier this month.
21 - 40 of 61 Posts