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Learn how to use it, don't let it win. Once mastered you'll wonder how you ever lived without it. Took me a couple months (former vehicles) till I stopped hating it, learned it and won!

My concern if you leave idle/stop enabled. Does it put more wear and tear on the vehicle? I am surely no Honda engineer and Honda would know best. The feeling is so weird how it feels like it stalled. I just can’t get use to it.
Perfect size and power (CR-V lack of power, Pilot don't need 7 seats)
Love how its quiet like the pilot
Love the technology
Love the remote start thats on the key not on the app that you have to pay monthly
Love spacious cargo
Love the Standard LED
Love the potential stuff you can do for this car
Love the Low road noise
Equipped well with entry level
Very comfortable back seats
Legit Real AWD

Price (technically using the same pilot stuff on a different car nothing huge has changed)
No 360 camera... should be a mandatory for a sized vehicle like this
MPG the car should be higher on the MPG not worse than Pilot.
Speakers... they say 550 watts but still the speakers itself is crap...
Wheels ... hideous looking....
Turn on the enhanced sound. Sounds much better imo. Once I turned that on, I was pleased with the sound.
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