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Ok, back to something I dislike: both my prior Pilots allowed you to open the rear window without lifting the tailgate. That comes in handy in my garage where I don’t have enough clearance behind my car to open the tailgate when the garage door is closed.
Buy a bigger garage?
#4 on your list is on mine, too.

I’m also disappointed that I have to to connect my phone via cable to use CarPlay. Don’t know if that’s a Honda problem or an Apple problem, but was disappointed all the same...I was really excited about getting a wireless charger.
There is wireless but few cars support it because its new.
I am not happy about the way the hands free tailgate does not work well. I rarely have the hands free tailgate work for me. I took it into Honda service and the damn thing started working every time. Could it be the difference in natural light versus indoor lighting at the customer service?

What is the secret foot wave that works for you?
Do you have a trailer hitch?
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