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Discussion starter · #1 · (Edited)
I was looking at the WeatherTech cargo tray and wondering if anyone here has one? I’m curious if it’s flexible enough to get in the storage underneath to lift the lid without having to remove it. I know the OEM ones are sections that will allow for opening the lid. They have the custom fit ones now for the PP I like the new WT one with a roll down bumper protector.
Discussion starter · #3 ·
They are $120 and $160 with bumper cover plus shipping. I like that they are supposed to be nonslip material so stuff doesn’t slide around at least according to commercial :) I have the OEM from my 16 Pilot and it is just a little bit too long so I have to keep one section folded. Side to side it fits great.
Discussion starter · #6 ·
I bought the universal fit since they don't make a form fit yet. And yes you can lift the lift with it in place. Check out Costco, I think they have them on sale right now.
I just checked out looks like the are out of stock right now. Thanks for the heads up I wouldn’t have thought to get there.
Discussion starter · #9 ·
I ended up ordering the OEM off Amazon. $95 free shipping. The more I looked at the WT I wasn’t sure about the lip that comes up the sides if that would scratch the plastic molding when you lift the cover to get in the storage area. That plastic on doors seems to scratch pretty easy. WT are more expensive plus shipping so I’m sticking with the OEM one.
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