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Discussion starter · #1 · (Edited)
Dear Passportforums Community Members,

We will be upgrading the Xenforo software to the newest version, with a whole new front end redesign!

This is just the first stage of the new look and we look forward to hearing your feedback as we make regular and timely improvements.

Thank you for all your support!

~ Community Support
Discussion starter · #2 · (Edited)
Dear Community Members,

We have posted previous messages announcing the site upgrade and front end redesign coming to your community that will provide a better experience, faster page speed and work seamlessly across all devices, including mobile. The site will be in maintenance mode and in read-only while the migration is happening. This is expected site behavior as we move all the archived content over to the new sites.
There should be no change in the content within your profile. All thread content will also be migrated to the new version. Your community may look a little different but all of the important information will still be there!

If for any reason there is a change of date, we will keep you updated on an alternative rollout schedule for the site upgrade. We look forward to your feedback on the new experience.

We appreciate your support!

~ Community Support
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