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Are you happy with the your ventilated seats? I just tried mine today and quite frankly, I can't feel much air coming out of the seats. I can hear the fan running though. Am I supposed to feel anything when placing my hand over it? Also, is it using the ambient air, or the cold air from the AC?
I'm in agreement with your experience. I assume you have an Elite trim just like mine. Didn't feel much air, but the air noise is loud. I'm not going to use this feature frequently. Looks like another overstated and unnecessary function. Use air conditioning, instead.
Sometimes my seat, ventilation works great, sometimes it feels like they are not working. I wonder it has to do with what temperature the the climate control is set at?
The airflow is minimal - but much better than my pure leather seats I had put in my CRV last year. I live in So Cal and going 2 miles from home to TraderJoes or such is dumb to use the AC when its 75-80*, so they can get a little sticky. The vents make enough airflow to not be sticky.
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The ventilated seats are just using cabin air to circulate to the seats. They don't have a hose hooked up to A/C, so it's just pulling what cool air you have under the seats. It helps to use the vehicle's a/c system in conjunction with the ventilated seats. I think that's the way to really cool the seat. Once you have enough refrigerated air in the cabin, the seat fans can pull that air in and work better. But overall, my heated seats are slow to warm and don't get as warm as my last vehicle and the ventilated seats don't seem very powerful either. Unfortunately in my opinion, a leather seat equipped car, both are necessary.
I’m now liking them as it’s warming up in MN so I’m using air con more and (like above) it’s using the cooler air and I’m not getting swamp arse ???
“Swamp arse” sounds uncomfortable!
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