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Discussion starter · #1 ·
I test drove the Touring 4WD last weekend and would have purchased if not for a $1300 difference with the dealer. I’ve decided to push my purchase out to Memorial Day weekend because I feel like I was rushing the purchase and I may get a better deal then. Anyway, I’m torn between the Touring and the Elite. I love the rims on the elite but I’m concerned about how the glossy rims will hold up. Does anyone have experience with similar rims? Also is the additional cost of the Elite worth it?
Discussion starter · #4 ·
Hey Wmb79. the AWD supposedly is a $1900 option, are you saying at your dealer they only wanted $1300 more?
We had agreed on a trade in value of $13k. I was looking to finance 30k. They were asking for 31,300. The MSRP on the Touring awd is 41,180 but they jacked the price up with a bunch of add ons. I walked out and they have been calling back ever since.
Discussion starter · #22 ·
I did some internet searching and found a dealer in NC giving great discounts:

Hubert Vestor Honda in the city of Wilson.

They list the discounts right on their website:

Example: An AWD Touring Model with an MSRP of $42,175 is $3,545 OFF and selling for $38,650!

I wish I was closer to them...
These deals are to good to be true. There has to be a catch. If I could get these prices I would have a new Passport by Friday.
Discussion starter · #34 ·
We’re torn between the Touring and Elite as well. Love the painted black wheels but share your concerns with them holding up. Not sure venitlated sears and rain sensing wipers are must have items for us. Still debating. Good luck to you.
For me I'm glad I went Touring. The rims are nice on the Elite but I like the grey wheels on the Touring too. The rest of the Elite only features I can live without and save 3-4k by doing so.
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