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Discussion starter · #3 ·
Mine has also remained in that range, and after off roading and putting air back into the tires, I noticed the engine area was hotter from when I took out the air..... but no change....... so, I guessing it is what it is.........
Thanks as a Element kid that seems hot. But I guess I have a more powerful little guy now.
Discussion starter · #6 ·
I don't have a lot of miles or hill stress on mine yet, but my experience with J35 engines and Honda temp gauges are that they are non-linear in the mid-range. To really know what temps are, you need to monitor with an OBDII gauge. My gauge hovers just below mid point, and my ScanGauge shows 182-185 under most conditions.
Could you tell me what would normal range be on Scan Gauge to understand readings. For example optimal bp is <120/90. Is there an optimal range for temp on Scan Gauge?
Discussion starter · #11 ·
182-185 is the normal range. At 182 the thermostat is fully open.
I wouldn't try to compare older vehicle temps with different fuel/emission systems to current Hondas.
If you are not aware, there are 2 temp sensors. The normal one by the thermostat, (which indirectly feeds the dash gauge) and one at the bottom of the radiator.
Thanks for the info. Now I know why people invest in a scan gauge. What other vital info do like receiving from scan gauge?
Discussion starter · #15 ·
On the ScanGauge, I usually watch CT1 and CT2 (also known as ECT1 & ECT2), and select other things to get a feel of what I should see when everything is running normal. I would monitor trans temp if it was available. I like to compare reading to what I get on my '06 Pilot, which is running like a top.
LTFT - long term fuel trim, GPH - gallons per hr., MAP/BST - manifold air pressure or boost (turbo engine), all are very equal.
This shot shows CT1 @ 163 because I just installed the S-VCM (subject of another thread). It would normally be 182-185. CT2 always runs about ambiet temp until the thermostat opens, and then it begins to climb.
View attachment 2649
Thanks For the information. I had no idea I could know all the vital signs of my little guy. Did the ScanGauge ever alert you to any problems in your pilot to prevent a flat line episode?
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