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Discussion starter · #1 · (Edited)
As a new 2019 Honda Passport owner, thought I'd pass this along. There seems to be a glitch in the get-a-long. The day that the new Passport was to be delivered by the Honda Dealership and driven home, multiple warnings appeared on the display and the Passport was stuck in Park ( would not budge). Their technician cleared the issue and all was fine until today. The to-do-list was to check out the new trailer hitch and wiring harness installed by the dealership. Never got that far! Stuck in park again and could not get the Passport out of my garage. Ten warnings were displayed and the computers said no go. I let the vehicle run for a while then pushed the stop button and when back inside the house. A while later I went back to the garage and restarted the Passport, seven warnings this time and I could get it into Drive. Drove the Passport back to the dealer and have a scheduled lookie see for tomorrow.

Will report back later. An old sage once said, "Let pilgrims take the arrows".
Discussion starter · #5 ·
Does the brake pedal need to be applied to shift out of 'Park' and with ignition 'on'?
The answer is yes. The pushbuttonology on that center consul didn't work and would not shift out of Park. Once I returned to the garage, restarted the Passport there were seven warnings and it would shift into drive. Drove the vehicle out of the garage, closed the door and drove to the dealership. Upon arriving the vehicle was turned off. No warnings when the service manager started the Passport. They get to play with it tomorrow.

I did connect the wiring harness of the boat trailer to the Passport after returning home. It works just fine.
Discussion starter · #6 ·
The Elite is back at the dealership since April 12th. Same issues; will not come out of park & 10 warnings. Let the Passport run a while and turn it off. Come back later and restart engine and the Passport will come out of park & 7 warnings. This time the service center was able to see the warnings and took pictures with their smartphones. Adding to the joy it now beeps several times indicating a key fob has been left inside the Elite. No key was found after a search.

I called their service center today (April 22nd) and appears they have been busy working on other vehicles.

Discussion starter · #10 ·
Elite back on the road again! The dealership called Friday around 4:30PM, come and get it. Short version their technician replaced the APP sensor/gas pedal assembly. Voltage from this unit was too high indicating the gas pedal was being pressed. This kept the car in park and not allowing to be placed into drive. Seems to also had other effects. It kept the car "awake"? Thinking someone was near with the key fob, the computers kept other systems up and on line draining the battery. The caused the other warning indications because of low battery voltage.

This isn't your daddy's automobile!

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