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Does this have anything to do with the fact my new Passport Touring nav system won't "talk" to me? Once I program in a destination, it will not speak turn-by-turn instructions. I have turned up guidance volume but still can't hear anything. If I play the stereo it mutes at the appropriate times the nav system should be speaking. Help... ?
Yes, I've tried that. I also tried turning up the volume with the volume knob when it was supposed to be speaking, and through Settings I turned up "guidance volume". Dang... this is one thing I didn't check on my test drive! Back to the dealer I guess. Hope they have a quick and easy fix but I'm apprehensive about it.
Not sure about the relation to the recall, but have you tried pressing the volume up on the steering wheel at the time it's supposed to be speaking but isn't?
What is this recall? I put in my VIN on the Honda Owners site but it does't show any outstanding recall.
Yes I plan on contacting the service department about the nav problem. The PDI checklist left in the vehicle was dated 1/31/19 it appears my Passport is an early production unit. One of the reasons I bought a Honda is I like the Garmin based nav system, so hopefully it can be fixed to speak the turn by turn directions as it should.
Yes, I've tried that. I also tried turning up the volume with the volume knob when it was supposed to be speaking, and through Settings I turned up "guidance volume". Dang... this is one thing I didn't check on my test drive! Back to the dealer I guess. Hope they have a quick and easy fix but I'm apprehensive about it.
UPDATE: I had the Passport the dealer today. It turned out the center speaker was not connected at the factory. The service department reconnected it and I can now hear the Nav system speaking. They also did a reset/update of the audio system, so I had to reprogram my presets and other audio settings. I asked about the Telematics Control Unit Module recall, and it was done at the dealer after it arrived in early February.

I'm quite happy the Nav voice problem was a simple and quick fix.
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