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Discussion starter · #1 ·
Just want to make everyone aware or a rear door leak in my car. Happens between the plastic door cover and the metal door.
Dealer is replacing components of the window and trimming. Parts are ordered. Once I get the part list I will update this.


Discussion starter · #3 ·
It is not from the drain holes in the door. It is coming from behind the plastic cover inside the car. After it rains the water gets trapped in between the seals of the car. When you open the door a cup or two of water comes out.
The dealer has never seen anything like this. Appointment to drop the car off is tomorrow.
Discussion starter · #8 ·
The water now drips from the top of the window. Was told they tested 2 times and did not get a leak. Guess they didn't.
Seems that the Passport has seal issues. Keep an eye out.
Back to the shop for the 3rd time for this issue...
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