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My car is the Passport AWD Touring. So I was driving to a golf course and I had my iPhone plugged in. The apps that were running were the Apple Music app and Waze. All of a sudden i heard a pop and buzz sound over the speakers and from that point on no sound would play whatsoever. The music app would not work, the SiriusXM would not work and would display “tuner not found”. The fm/am would not play. No sound from any source would play. The unit display would work perfectly fine and was fully operational however, but would not shut off. So when I turned the car off and opened the drivers door the display was still on. I was very concerned about this running down my battery.
I had to take the car back to the dealer. They had to disconnect the battery to shut the display off. The dealer said they think that the non apple iPhone cord might have been the problem. So I went and bought a apple branded lighting cord and it worked good the rest of today.
This morning I struck out again, pulled up Waze and Apple Music and the same thing happened again. I took it back to the dealer and now they are saying they think a bug in Waze app is causing the issue. So starting now I won’t be using Waze. I hope it is the Waze app causing this issue.
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