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Well its not a long trip (320 miles to the Washington coast), but this first time I'll give it more than a short trips to Costco (I only have 160 miles on the odometer). Usually we take our 2016 Pilot on this trip so I'll see if I miss the 6" difference in length.

I moved all my trip goodies to the Passport including my Costco emergency car kit. My dog Ozzie has his dog seat ready in the second row, the golf clubs are packed away and the tank is full. The GPS is programmed with our destinations and my spare I-phone has all my good music on it. I know I'll be challenged to select my diversions, Sirius, radio, ApplePlay streaming, hard drive; geeze, maybe the wife should drive!

I plan to spend a lot of time driving on the beach; Washington State allows beach driving which is really fun. I plan to take Passport pictures and hope the sun comes out so they look good.
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