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Discussion starter · #1 ·
First issue , alignment and the car pulls to the right
So i start the car remotely and enter the vehicle. As i connect my phone to the vehicle and wait for the infotainment system to load , i realize it's taking longer than usual. I turn off the car and leave and enter again normally. The infotainment system is stuck at the 'H" screen, honda welcome screen. It's not frozen , the"H" iis shimmering and still thinking and trying to load...
Decided to drive it a little bit and still issue exsists. I hope it resolves tomorrow alone...
Im going to the stealership anyways friday for the alignment issue. Its a good thing that it happened now as the saying goes 2 birds one stone.My issue is , how many birds am i expecting though from a vehicle that has approx 60 miles....
Discussion starter · #3 ·
I have read in forums that it is best to wait until infotainment system loads before plugging in phone. Also I would get a cheap key board and plug into your usb and do ctrl, alt, delete to reboot your infotainment system so will shut off. But I would record your problem first.
Hope you do not get strike 3.
Thanks for the tip.
Ill keep you posted to see what thd dealer says
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