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Discussion starter · #1 ·
Only had the passport for a few weeks, and no maintenance is due yet. Was just poking around on the Honda owners site, and this jumped out at me. Is there really a time when they recommend you replace the oil, but not the oil filter? I've been a long time Honda owner, including a few recent models that have the maintenance minder, but this is a first for me. I went to the website on a PC just to be sure it says the same thing when viewed through a standard web browser, and it sure does. Someone must have the scoop on this. Sorry if this has been discussed already, I did try to search and did not find it discussed previously in the various oil change threads posted so far.


Discussion starter · #3 ·
Agreed! I’m just surprised to see what appears to be the suggestion that changing the oil filter isn’t necessary each time you change the oil. Was worried maybe I was behind the times and missed the latest worldwide accepted oil change routine...Replace that crusty old burned up oil, but keep the filter?
Anyone think skipping a $10 filter on a $40k car is wise.........?
Anyone think skipping a $10 filter on a $40k car is wise.........?
Not me. To quote Ben Franklin, "A once of prevention is worth a pound of cure". As someone earlier said whats an additional $7 for a filter to ensure clean oil in the engine, especially the first oil change. With engine tolerances so close and lubricating oil viscosities so thin, it's worth all the precaution you can get in efficient engine operation.
Change the filter always! The way I look at it is you are already putting premium synthetic oil in the crankcase, why would you not change the filter? So yeah, I agree with you folks. Do both, not one.
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