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On my touring model , I have cooper AT3 4s tires size 265/50/20 I’m not taking it off road in extreme elements . Just snow , rain ,dry . On normal mountain roads or highways . Ski resorts , Lake Tahoe etc.
Can you send me or post another pic with this tires? Hard for me to make them out in that picture. I too want to keep my OEM touring wheels and I am hunting options that look more aggressive. Thanks
You’ll probably be the first. I’m in the ‘keep the stock 20s’ camp at the moment too. Probably not upgrading ‘til fall though and I am watching craigslist for oem 18s off a ridgeline or something.
It’s actually my wife’s passport. He really wants to keep the oem wheels but hates the tires on it. Will be getting one of the 3.
I can confirm, the stock tires on the Elite model are horrible in the rain. I don't know if it require some breaking in period, since it only have 500 miles, but I don't feel safe at all in the rain, especially running though puddles of water. I will upgrade to Nitto grappler 265/50/20 soon.
When you do let us know and post some pics , those are on my short list.
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