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Tire size is 245-60-18. This size tire + 18" wheel = same overall diameter as original tires + 20" wheels.
I like your setup. Was considering some Cooper AT3's, but the more I read up, the more I'm leaning towards the Defenders on some 18'' Ridgeline wheels. Did you notice the ride softening at all with these tires? The passport is pretty stiff/bumpy on dirt roads, and I've been attributing it the low-profiles/20'' rims. Is there any considerable change in ride quality?
The Michelin Defender LTX tires have a rather deep and rugged tread pattern. (Compared to the shallow tread on the super smooth Michelin Premier LTX tires) On most roads, the ride feels the same as the OE tires, but the big difference is the 18" Defender tires with taller sidewalls certainly go over potholes, sunken drain grates and rough dirt roads much smoother than the 20" wheels & tires. Plus my new teen drivers have already rubbed on a few curbs and the 18" tires only have minor scuffs. The OE wheels would have been badly scratched by now.
Tell me about it - I'm in NYC until February and it takes me twice as long to parallel park (which I do every day) in a concerted effort to avoid curb rash on those 20's. Sounds like the Defenders are a great option for those not looking to have full-on AT tires.
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