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Discussion starter · #1 ·
Need to know if others are having a similar issue. I have ~4500 miles on my 2019 Passport Elite.
Been to the dealer and they said this could be a 'normal characteristic' of the transmission. Would like to see if others are having similar issues.
To replicate put the car is Sport mode then manual shift. Get to 45 mph then shift back and forth from 7-8th gear. My car produces a buzzing noise similar to going over rumble strips. It is worrisome as it seems to be getting louder over time.
Discussion starter · #2 ·
Has the dealer take out another Passport and they said it made the same noise. I have never heard a noise like this from any other car I have driven.
Please try and replicate, so I can build a case. I am about to go test drive other Passports to see for myself.
Discussion starter · #6 ·
Glad to know there are others out there.
Mine is specifically when going from 7th to 8th gear. And it happens every single time. The spring noise is a pretty good way of describing it. I now just say my car is farting...
Someone at Honda Financial contacted me about another issue and said it could be related to cylinders shutting down?!? No idea on this though.
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