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Discussion starter · #1 ·
After being in the shop for about 2 weeks after 8 miles off the lot, I can finally say I actually own and drive one of these.

Had the dreaded AC issue but now am slowly warming up to my new crystal black Elite. Have had a couple head turns in parking lots already.
Discussion starter · #5 ·
Congrats. Bay Area by any chance?

I’m looking to pull the trigger end of the month. So the AC just didn’t cool or was it weak cooling?
Yes Bay Area! Serramonte Honda to be exact. There’s a tread here about the AC issue people have been having. My AC compressor blew out, rep said maybe it wasn’t primed correctly at the factory or something like that.

That being said, love the car so far!
Discussion starter · #8 ·
I'm down in South Bay.

Yea I noticed there are multiple parts different owners have had replaced to fix the AC problem. BTW did you fill the survey? (

Mind checking the build date on your PP? Wanted to know if the what the survey states about the Winter ones being affected holds up.
I think it's Feb 2019 from what the sticker says by the door. I actually live in South Bay too, just happen to buy it in Serramonte. Steven's Creek Honda was great to work with on the AC issue. My service invoice says "A/C clutch coil melt down and A/C compressor seized up." They gave me a rental for the entire time service was happening from Enterprise just down the street.
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