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Discussion starter · #1 ·
I just noticed something sort of funky; behind the driver side passenger area, in the headliner there is a huge "bump"!

I suppose there could be something under it, but it looks to be the size of a baseball, can any of you poke your heads in your Passport and look up there and let me know if you have a big bump up there as well?


I was thinking of going over to the dealer, but wanted to see if any of you have this bump in the headliner


Yes, I have the bump. We all have the bump. What is the bump?

Touring AWD.
Discussion starter · #3 ·
First off, BIG thanks for responding.

I don't know, but I pushed on it and it was rigid and I could not tell if something was in there or not..

"The Mystery Bump"... Inquiring minds want to know...!
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