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Using the method shown, the update when fine. But it does take a while! I have a Garmin nuvi 2589LMT and the latest Full Coverage of North America is version 2020.10. On the other hand the Honda version is 2019.11.

Some of the streets here in town have been renamed. The Garmin nuvi update has the now correct names. The latest Honda update is a year or two behind.

A new update for my Garmin nuvi 2589LMT was released today. Version 8.80 Full Coverage Map of North America 2020.20. The current version in my Elite is 2019.11 which is two or three updates behind.

The Garmin nuvi 2589LMT is by far a better GPS device. The Garmin in the Elite seems to be missing many POI, it can't find the Home Depot in town.

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