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Yesterday was the third time I've lost my phone connection in the last two weeks. The first two times everything was fine the next day. Yesterday it happened and today I had to go through the reconnect process ( like my phone had never been connected ) Anyone else have this issue?
I’ve had to cycle the Bluetooth on my iPhone X a couple of times in the last month.
My PP has about 1100 miles on it and it seems while on CarPlay and using the phone that it will automatically mute me. I can not be heard until I unplug the phone and either hold the hand set to my ear or use an earbud. I can end the call and redial. I am sure I will need to suffer with this until I can make an appointment.

I prefer to use an earbud because it is more private for the caller and let a bother to the passengers in my car, This also is an annoyance with CarPlay, as It disables the earbuds.

Am I just getting old and can not figure out the problem?
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