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So I'm trying to prepare for a long trip so music is one of the things I like to have when I drive. My principal gripes are:
1- There is only one USB port that can be used for the infotainment center. So if your phone is connected to it, you can't use any USB device for music.
2- If you want to use the hard drive in the infotainment center for music, it does not support folders so you can't have anything to separate your music.
3- One additional USB for charging in a $40,000 vehicle make no sense at all. There should be USB ports everywhere, they cost next to nothing!

If you are a one device person, i.e. everything you want or need is on your phone, all is well. If you are like me, your screwed! I've ordered a USB charging adapter with two additional charging ports I can put in the center console. I also configured an old I-phone I can configure with music and use the bluetooth connect to get to it. These are work-around's that shouldn't be necessary.

I give Honda a "D" for USB ports.
My work around was to download the cabin control app and upload my music using the social play list app. Hope that helps.


I saved the .mp3 files in the artist folder I specified on the desktop ( i.e. imagine dragons). I ripped the CD to the specific artist Folder- it created a folder for the album name and the individual songs within that album folder. I then uploaded to the hard drive. After upload, the hard drive menu has a "folder" selection option- its the bottom selection, which breaks out each artist . If you touch the artist, the albums appear and if you touch the specific album, the tracks appear. it works much like the directory on a windows computer. For what it's worth, I found it easier to do this on my Wife's PC as my Mac was a pain working through i tunes, so I did have to rip each CD to accomplish this. it would have been much better to have pulled from iTunes, but that wasn't happening.
Your systematic music attack rocked. My issue was I had to figure out which songs in my I tunes library I purchased and not downloaded using my Apple Music subscription. Also had download my purchased amazon music. Therefore, I did what you suggested and created a folder on my desk top labeled music and then created sub folders with musician and then added their songs to specific folder. Luckily, I do not have an extensive song collection so only took about 2 hours but was therapeutic to get organized and listen to my fun tunes. Then my little guy organized by artist perfectly! Thanks for the tip so helpful!


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