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Discussion starter · #1 ·
I have been waiting over a year for the Passport. My wife owns a 16 Pilot and I didn't want another big vehicle. I was looking hard at the CRV until the oil dilution problem came up. I was also considering other types but my last four vehicles were Honda's and all of them are still running strong and owned by my family members; 99 Odyssey, 01 Accord, 06 Civic, and the 16 Pilot. I decided I wanted a Scarlet Touring.

I was going to wait for several months so I might get a good price but I learned that Passports are slim pickings in the west (I live in WA). Dealers within 100 miles only had one or two and minimal allocations later in the year so I expand my search to N. California and found they had many more. Over two days, I visited ALL Honda dealers within 400 miles radius and only found two Scarlet Touring's; the closest being in Portland, Or 240 miles away. I asked for a quote and was shocked to get a good deal.

I have been messing around with trying to buy the Passport remotely and think(?) I finally succeeded today as I wired them the money. I will have the Passport shipped ($300) and hope to have it next week. The shipping is cheap compared to buying from local dealers who think they are giving you a good deal if you pay MSRP if they throw in the floor mats. So just a few more days!!

Use Google maps and search for "honda dealers"; Google will show them on the map and give you the web links. Most Honda dealers have one of two different kind of web pages so it only takes 2-3 clicks and you have access to their inventory. I probably accessed 50+ dealers with only about 4 hours work over two days. Most Honda dealers also have a "give me a quote" button. Use it over multiple dealers and you can get a good price even though the Passport is slim pickings.

I'll review here once I have a few days of real ownership.
Congrats and welcome/quick side note as I live in Minneapolis and found a great deal in Chicago on a Jeep Wrangler a few years ago and flew there to pick it up and drive it back and I made out like a bandit still ?
Congrats and welcome/quick side note as I live in Minneapolis and found a great deal in Chicago on a Jeep Wrangler a few years ago and flew there to pick it up and drive it back and I made out like a bandit still ?
Odd how that works. I’m in Chicago area and have driven out of state for vehicles. I’ll never understand but a days travel to save 4K was well worth it! On another forum dudes are flying down to Texas and driving back and well worth the time and money to do so(on a ford truck)
Congrats and Welcome! I just picked up my Touring Model (Modern Gray - AWD) two days ago and using Car Gurus to search, the next nearest one like mine was 3 to 4 hundred miles away and the dealer claimed to be able to see Passports in route to So. Cal. and that there were none coming, so it kinda forced my hand...
Discussion starter · #6 ·
Odd how that works. I’m in Chicago area and have driven out of state for vehicles. I’ll never understand but a days travel to save 4K was well worth it! On another forum dudes are flying down to Texas and driving back and well worth the time and money to do so(on a ford truck)
That's also what I got, MSRP - $4,000
Congrats and Welcome! I just picked up my Touring Model (Modern Gray - AWD) two days ago and using Car Gurus to search, the next nearest one like mine was 3 to 4 hundred miles away and the dealer claimed to be able to see Passports in route to So. Cal. and that there were none coming, so it kinda forced my hand...
Some dealers want to make a sale ASAP, so they will try to sell you what they have on the lot and claim they can't get what you want or it will take a long time to get it. This was my experience on my previous car purchase.
Discussion starter · #8 ·
I had three dealers I have worked with in the past and NONE of them had Passports and gave me no clues that other dealers had them. It wasn't until I did my searching that I found what I wanted and saved $4k in the process. Don't be afraid to go out-of-state and ship, it can save thousands!
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