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Community Members and Staff,

We hope you are enjoying the new platform and have found value in the new features and software solutions that aim to make the site work better. Thank you for your ongoing feedback as you use the site. As part of our continued efforts to reply and act on your suggestions, the following are some key things to look out for this week in the upgrade.

Find Members Online
This community is a great way to share ideas, learn and meet members with shared interests. To find other members that are online at the same time as you, you can “view all” members and see specifically who is “online”. This is a great way to make connections.
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More Browser Support
We recognize that the community uses a variety of browsers to access this site. We’ve been working to improve compatibility for older browsers over the last month and hope this provides a better experience for members overall. Let us know if things are working better for you!

Finding Your Way Around
Change can be hard, we get it. That’s why we’ve launched an online tour to highlight some of the new features and introduce names that you may not be used to. We hope this helps finding, reading, posting and uploading that much easier. It only takes a few seconds to take the tour - join us!
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Please continue to send us your questions in our Community Feedback thread discussion and let us know what you think of the new updates. Your opinion matters and feeds directly into our product improvements!

Thank you,
Community Support
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