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Ordered the LEDs from that Amazon link last week. Just now installed LEDs in the Cargo area, rear seat area, front overhead and front doors. I think that helps so much already.

QUICK TIP: Factory bulbs may be hot and slippery. I put a piece of blue painters tape over the hard to remove bulbs and yanked with my hands or needle nose pliers to remove them; be gentle. Some of the other factory bulbs just easily slipped right out using my two fingers with nylon gloves. peace, e
Behind the bumper are the sockets that hold the lights. They rotate about a quarter of a turn CCW and slip right out. Lots of room to work and a flashlight is handy. 1 minute per side.
Might you know what series LED bulbs I'd need for the reverse backup lights?
I see where it's very easy to remove the reverse bulb housing under the bumper. Maybe the front turn signals on that bumper too? Thanks so much.
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