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Discussion starter · #6 ·
My two week old Touring is in the shop since wed. They still can’t find the problem with the idle stop fault. They’ve been working with factory engineers. They gave me a rental car. I’ll know more on Monday .
Discussion starter · #16 ·
Update: Was driving today. I shut off the climate control system completely because its a nice day and wouldn't you know, the Auto Idle Stop started working again. I can't say for sure if this "fixed" the issue but its back to working …. Go figure.
Update: Was driving today. I shut off the climate control system completely because its a nice day and wouldn't you know, the Auto Idle Stop started working again. I can't say for sure if this "fixed" the issue but its back to working …. Go figure.
Discussion starter · #17 ·
Up Date, Well the dealership found the problem with idle stop fault . It’s something in the wire- harness . Ordered part they said I’ll have back thursday, we see . They are just as frustrated As me , I’ve known them for 30 years. Mistlin Honda has always been great . Are family has bought lots of Honda’s from them . .
Discussion starter · #22 ·
Let us know what they find. Mine is not working either and I'm at a loss ....
Well everybody , got my touring back from the dealership service dept after nine days . Factory engineers finally found the problem. It was Brake boost pressure sensor., volts, replace pcm an recode it. Also replace harnesses line #3 an #4. Whatever that means . Not happy with Honda factory .???. No problem with dealership .
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