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Discussion starter · #9 ·
Assuming they are the same as the CRV, my wife says she hates cars with bright LEDs. Now, she says, she's that person... :)
There is a difference. people that modify headlights typically will make others uncomfortable with bright white or blueish white lights. OEM typically gives the driver that light without issue to oncoming drivers.
Discussion starter · #18 ·
The headlights on the Touring are GREAT!(y)(y) I've never had LED lights and they make a huge difference. Everything is nice and sharp and not yellowish tinted like the old headlights. Although oncoming traffic always flashes me like I have my brights on when I don't.:giggle: I think LED headlights should be a required safety feature! :unsure:
Hmm, wonder if they are aimed wrong. If aimed correctly no one should need to flash the brights at you. Is this happening to others with LED?
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