I'm actively looking and am due to sign a lease on one tomorrow. There seems to be a disconnect somewhere in demand. We hear they are in demand but I've also seen enough photos of vehicles with snow in the image or bare trees in the background. No incentives and market averages that are not that far discounted from MSRP. I went to 3 dealers recently and I was the only person looking at the Passport at all 3. There's this sense that while each dealer did not have many to choose from, they were all available for purchase or lease. I am in the NYC metro area so maybe just not a lot of local demand for the style / segment the Passport is aiming for?I read online that the end of the month is a good time to drive the price down since they are trying to meet monthly quotas. But better than the month end is a quarter since manufacturers have more bonus for dealers who keep up the quarterly quotas. Keeping that in mind I was thinking of starting my purchase around the 27th and finalizing on the 30th. I'm hoping it being a month and quarter end will allow me to drive the price down more than usual. Now the other option I have is to try a couple of days later around the Fourth of July and hope the holiday has dealers willing to haggle. Though I think since it's a new quarter and start of the month there's seems to be little motivation for the dealer to agree to bargain ?.
Was hoping that the good folks here who have more experience buying than I do can give me some advice on which would be the better option for trying to get a good deal on the PP.
In my case, the 1st dealer I contacted offered $500 below invoice for an EX-L so I tried to do even better. They would not go lower. Out of 5 or 6 dealers, none other would go below the Truecar market average. The other thing is that this dealer offered two lease separate lease options and creating an offer with the leasor with a money factor that is significantly better than what the Edmunds forums say is available.
I'll report back if/when we close the deal.