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Discussion starter · #5 ·
Thanks for the likes!! Yes, I went 35%. It's the lightest tint they offer at the place I went to. It's a little bit lighter than the factory tint on the rear doors and side glass.
I too, like Scooter Dude, like to see out my side mirrors at night. I had a vehicle (used) I bought years back that was from Florida, and it had dark tint... like 5% on back windows and 20% on front doors. Too dark. Could not back out of an unfamiliar driveway without rolling the window's down at night! LOL.
Discussion starter · #8 ·
I would have loved to have gone with the 20%. Am a bit jeolous.
But I really worried about seeing out at night or having a "cave-like" interior as I also have black leather etc... How is your view out the windows at night like when backing up? (Yes, before everyone says... I know it has a camera, but I'm old-school coming from an era when you actually had to look out and turn your head)

I might go back an have the back tailgate window tinted over the factory. Driving at night with the electro-chromatic mirror, the mirror doesn't darken enough and the headlights shining in back bother me.
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