I bought them all from hondapartsguys.com. Here are the parts that I purchased:
77220-TG7-A01ZA Garnish Assembly, Passenger NH854L (New Middle Silver)
83553-TG7-A01ZA Trim Assembly, L Front Door Lining*NH854L* (New Middle Silver)
83503-TG7-A01ZA Trim Assembly, R Front Door Lining*NH854L* (New Middle Silver)
77295-TG7-C21ZA Panel Assembly, Console NH900L (Deep Black)
Just change the model of the Passport to either the Sport or EX-L models and you'll be able to find the parts. The only trim I couldn't find a part number for was the one to the left of the steering wheel, but I was able to color match it with a can of primer and Dupli-Color paint I picked up at the auto parts store (BFM0360 Dark Shadow Gray).