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Discussion starter · #1 ·
Just wondering if there's been a thought to add a "Passport Builds" sub-form so members can document their changes to their Passports?
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Discussion starter · #4 ·
Nothing planned yet. Slowing looking at wheels and tires.

Other forums I've been on usually have a "Members' Rides" or something like that so if someone is adding new wheels, then a new sound system, etc. that member can have a single thread instead of posting in the wheels forum and then the sound system forum.
I think it’s a great idea and I’m planning on changes for sure and it’s only a week in so imagine a year ?, tires maybe sooner rather than later as I like Smith’s Nitto’s a lot / I have seen other build threads on 4Runner and Jeep sites and don’t plan on anything rad and may be a small minority here as most folks will not change their PPs which is AOK too ?
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