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I did reverse and turn signals and thought I would share what worked for me:

Reverse Lights: Lasfit 7443 7440 7440 LED Reverse Backup Light Bulb Xenon White
You can reach these just by worming your hand up behind the rear bumper. With a slight counter clockwise twist the bulb fixture comes out. There is a picture in the owners manual page 583.

Rear Turn Signals: Lasfit 7440 7441 W21W WY21W CANBUS Anti Hyper Flash LED Turn Signal Lights Blinker Bulbs Amber Yellow
These produce an amber light. You need to pull out the entire rear brakelight assembly on each side (remove 2 phillips head screws and pull straight back). There is a picture in the owners manual page 582. The bulbs will only work one way, so test before re-assembling.

Front Turn Signals: Lasfit 7443 7444 CANBUS Error Free LED Turn Signal Light Anti Hyper Flash Amber Yellow
Standard Socket! These bulbs have TWO light circuits wired into them, a DIM and a BRIGHT. To match the stock install, both DIM and BRIGHT should be yellow/amber. The blinking in the front is actually a dim/bright/dim/bright sequence. You get to these bulbs by turning the front wheel inward, remove lower two screws in wheel well, pull out plastic inner fender enough to worm your hand in there. There is a picture in the owners manual on pg 581. The bulbs will only work one way, so test before re-assembling.
I took a closer look at the front turn signals with a multimeter, and BOTH filaments blink on/off/on/off in unison.

Not sure why Honda would do it that way, with the more expensive dual filament bulb acting like a single filament bulb. Maybe so when one filament fails, the other still gives some blinking? Meanwhile the computer can detect the drop in watts used and report a (partially) burned out bulb?
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