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Discussion starter · #1 ·
Hello !

For those of you that already have a Passport and got the Gray interior, what are your thoughts on that interior color?

I want a White Passport... I'm not really lovin' the Gray seats, they seem a bit "blah" to me. I'd much rather have the Black seats BUT there are zero White w/ Black interior Passports to be found anywhere in my area and beyond. My choice is to go for the Gray or wait until more Passports are built and distributed and hope there's a White/Black in the mix.

Just curious to hear what the "Passport Gray interior" folks have to say about the color.

Thanks! :)
Discussion starter · #22 · (Edited)
I think the gray interior (seats) looks lighter than these pics in real life...
Yes. They're a bit *too* light in real life.

By the way, I completely understand what you mean about the contrast. I like contrast, but not with those light gray seats.

I agree with Homer. Best bet is to see both for yourself in person and compare. You might really like the gray seats. Or you might prefer the black. But don't make a decision based on the picture, it's not quite accurate.
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