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Discussion starter · #1 · (Edited)
just picked up 2019 passport EX-L

tried to connect new PIXEL 3a
tried to connect LG k20 plus

no luck
checked honda web site
none of the above phones compatible with android auto on 2019 passport or 2019 pilot or 2018 pilot

"yes it does not work"
"might be an update in the future"

NOTE: the telephone connects blue tooth ok
NOTE: the telephone connects by cable ok
NOTE the car says that contacts could not be loaded
I have an EX-L and I'm able to use Android Auto on my Pixel 3XL no problem. I just plug it in and a few seconds later it works. You do need to make sure you are plugging it in using the USB cable though. It will not work via bluetooth.
Had my 2016 Accord once or twice reject my Android Auto phone. Solved it by removing the phone from the device list on the car. Reinstalling the Android Auto app on the phone and then connecting it to the car.

Oh and what @draiken78 said. I think the Passport is the same as my Accord in the fact that only 1 particular USB port has to be used for Android Auto connections.
Discussion starter · #5 ·
I have an EX-L and I'm able to use Android Auto on my Pixel 3XL no problem. I just plug it in and a few seconds later it works. You do need to make sure you are plugging it in using the USB cable though. It will not work via bluetooth.
Ok thanks

Honda says does not work
Google says does not work on 2019

Trying to figure out how it works for you
Discussion starter · #6 ·
Had my 2016 Accord once or twice reject my Android Auto phone. Solved it by removing the phone from the device list on the car. Reinstalling the Android Auto app on the phone and then connecting it to the car.

Oh and what @draiken78 said. I think the Passport is the same as my Accord in the fact that only 1 particular USB port has to be used for Android Auto connections.
Discussion starter · #8 ·
OK GOT IT WORKING on pixel 3a and lg k20 plus WHEW

another call to pixel help .... 4th call.. 4th person..

check usb permissions on phone
check how usb port is being used make sure it does not say device and poof all worked great

on pixel 10 gb transfer cable is a must

on lg .. it too three cables to find a usb to work with the pone and car....
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