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What jumps out at me is that Feb-18 sales were down 1,662 vehicles-sold compared to Feb-18.

And as I read elsewhere, Honda's Fiscal Year ends March 31 and they are down 921 sales compared to last Fiscal year at this time.

Hey Honda! Wanna sell 921 more Passports? LOWER THE PRICE!
Here's another thought: I recall reading somewhere that Honda was expecting on selling 44,000 Passports per year (is that right or was it 45k?) Anyway, if you divide 44k by 12 (months), that means they were targeting sales of 3,666 PER MONTH and the 1,848 is nearly 50% LESS that expectations, which is REALLY bad, considering sales should start out high and taper off for a vehicle that lots of people really want.

It would seem that the dealers who are holding out for Max. MSRP are effectively killing Honda's sales goals, while putting an extra $3 grand in their pockets...
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