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There have been many changes regarding refrigerants during the past several years. Possibly dealers/Service Techs are not keeping up on refrigerant handling.

I don't believe "Freon", for instance, is used any more. The latest refrigerant is described as "R1234YF" (Honeywell is one supplier) and it is my understanding that ALL auto manufactures are to use this new refrigerant by a certain date. I don't know if Honda has 100% updated the use yet.

One key question is: Have Service Techs been recently qualified and updated in new refrigerant handling?
The use of the word, Freon, is generic. Last real conversation with anyone working with refrigeration, only a qualified/certified person could order/purchase/use refrigerants. Been a while since I played in this arena and every time I look at an AC unit there is a new R*****?? description..............someone else's challenge. Bet the regulations are the same, don't vent to atmosphere.

"The use of the word, Freon, is generic". This is true. That is why I put the word in quotes. Just giving forum members some background and education since it helps to know some facts when dealing with refrigerants ESPECIALLY for the reasons I had given. Fact:
Freon is the name of a registered patent for a commercial refrigerant manufactured by DuPont. Although Freon is a brand name, it has come to be referred to in the HVAC industry as a synonym for “refrigerant.”
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