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Anyone install a screen protector on the 8” LCD on the Passport?

Doing a quick look on Amazon there’s a bunch of them. My main concern in putting a screen protector on is the it leaving residue when removed that can’t be gotten off.

Don’t really care if its tempered glass or plastic.

Inputs appreciated. Thanks.
It took me three times (and 3 orders) to install my screen protector.
First one was so crooked, second was too far to the left. Third one worked like a charm.

Got it from this place, I’d suggest ordering two and ask them for a deal on just one install kit.

It took me three times (and 3 orders) to install my screen protector.
First one was so crooked, second was too far to the left. Third one worked like a charm.

Got it from this place, I’d suggest ordering two and ask them for a deal on just one install kit.

Screen protectors are new to me. What advantages do they provide in our PP's?
Screen protectors are new to me. What advantages do they provide in our PP's?
Mostly fingerprints! But they also cut down a bit of the glare.
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