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The service department said once Honda releases a code, they’ll be able to “reprogram” the transmission.
What are the chances that’s true?
The ‘18 Camrys (like the one I traded) had some transmission issues early in production that were fixed with a software flash related to the transmission so that sort of thing is certainly possible, though I’m not familiar with Honda’s history with this sort of thing. You’d think a software flash would also enable an ‘18 Camry to have Carplay like the ‘19s do but alas here I am in a Passport.
So maybe there’s SOME hope.
How long did it take to fix the issue with the Camry?
We have a “17 Toyota Tacoma that had the transmission flashed twice... it took a year for the first flash.
There was a TSB put out within the first 5-6 months of production affecting the first 40,000 or so VINs. But a lot of “issues” seemed to work themselves out after the first 1-2k miles put on the car. Maybe a learning process for the computer to adjust to driving habits.
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Great to hear they responded so quick which restores my faith in Honda from all I have heard from both owners and industry experts that audited how Honda and other major brands perform on all levels.
Who responded to what? I see nothing here.
I was referring to Toyota’s response to the Camry complaints. Nothing from Honda yet in regards to what the OP referred.
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