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Added the crossbars this evening.

Using the "defined" spots for the crossbars the distance is about 29" (outside to outside). As the crossbars curve, the height off the roof at the rail is about 3.5" and I'd guess it's about 4" from the roof in the middle.




Greetings 407 Guy, Could I pick your brain? I am going to order my Crossbars this weekend. Could you tell me where you purchased? Also where did you get the below tools?
Trim Tool Set (T/N SOJATP2014)• Plastic Trim Tool (T/N SILTRIMTL10
I was going to make a trip to harbor freight but then saw on amazon the trim tool set but not sure where to get plastic trim tool. Anything else I should add to my shopping list? Any tips would be great!
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