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B4 signing any purchase contract, check each and every filled-in space. Even the Date of the purchase contract. After all, one is signing at least a thirty five thousand dollar contract. Don't let your 'new-car emotion' cloud your discipline.
One should also read each and every paragraph in the contract and ask about anything you do not understand about it. But, alas, not too many people do this and regret it later. Don't let the Financial Agent rush you. He/she negotiates purchase contracts every day - you probably don't.
2019 Passport Touring AWD / Deep Scarlet Pearl
MSRP 42175
Disc. 3119
Paid 39056
Drove 82 mi. Was supposed to be a 'bare' PP, but SafeGuard ETCH ($285 - "we put it on all new cars!") appeared on contract! I demanded I wasn't going to pay for that scam, and since he already lo-balled $850 me on my trade in, I was ready to walk. Instead I asked for free options to offset. Wheel locks, splash guards, and cargo tray. They were out of stock on the tray.
I am sure glad to be rid of my 2017 CR-V EX-L AWD, 8000 mi. Would never have bought it if the PP had been available 18 mons. ago.
"SafeGuard ETCH ($285 - "we put it on all new cars!": I hope they actually applied it on YOUR car.
I was quoted $40k before taxes/fees on an Elite model, so I am going to go in tomorrow and make the purchase. They were very hesitant initially on making a deal with me, but they changed their tune when I showed them quotes from competing dealerships.
I trust that the "fees" won't be too extravagant. You should already know what the fees are to be.
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