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2019 Passport Touring / Crystal Black Pearl
42175 MSRP
-3245 dealer discount
Dealer included all weather mats and rear cargo cover. Since their car wash was real busy at delivery time, salesman said if I took it and cleaned it up myself he'd give me another tank of gas when I needed it. I always prefer to wash and detail my own vehicles.
I’m trying post pics but the site says the pics are too large.
Download a jpeg optimizer app. You'll be able to reduce the size of your pics. This site won't take pics much above 200k from my experience.
So here is a question. Picked up our 2019 Elite today. We wanted white with black interior so dealer had to locate one. Signing the papers, we were surprised to find out it had about 400 miles on it. It was driven about 140 miles (vs car carrier) to get to our dealer. Then, looking at the spec sheet, its stamped DEMO. We were never told this. Would you call the dealer on this? May not have that much leverage since we paid near or below invoice. The Mrs is pretty set on the white color as well. Looking online, it mentions you may be entitled to 25 to 40 cents per mile on it, which is only 100 to 160 bux. I guess its "legal" to sell as new even with 400 miles.
Over the years, I've purchased new cars with 3 miles to nearly 400 miles on them. A couple of cars I bought came from other dealers in the state and they were always driven to my local dealer, never transported, even though I once asked and was told I'd have to pay the transport charge. A 2007 Mustang I bought had to come from a dealer about 150 miles away. It was originally delivered to my local dealer, traded to the dealer 150 miles away, then traded back to the local dealer for me to buy, hence the mileage on a "new" car.
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